TX-8220 - Troubleshooting: AM/FM broadcasting
Problems may be solved by simply turning the power on/off or disconnecting/connecting the power cord, which is easier than working on the connection, setting and operating procedure. Try the simple measures on both the unit and the connected device. If the problem isn't fixed after referring to "Troubleshooting", resetting the unit to the status at the time of shipment may solve the problem. Note that your settings will also be initialized when you reset, so we recommend that you note down your settings before doing the following.
- This unit contains a microPC for signal processing and control functions. In very rare situations, severe interference, noise from an external source, or static electricity may cause it to lockup. In the unlikely event that this happens, unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, wait at least 5 seconds, and then plug it back in.
- We are not responsible for reparations for damages (such as CD rental fees) due to unsuccessful recordings caused by the unit’s malfunction. Before you record important data, make sure that the material will be recorded correctly.
If operation becomes unstable
- Try unplugging the power cord of the unit and connected devices, and then plugging them in again.
Resetting the unit (this resets the unit settings to the default)
If the issue is not fixed by unplugging the power cord, resetting the unit to the status at the time of shipment may solve the problem. Your settings will also be initialized when you reset, so note down your settings before doing the following.
- While holding down SPEAKER A/B on the main unit, press ON/STANDBY.
- The unit switches to standby and the settings are reset.
Radio reception is poor or there is a lot of noise
- Re-check the antenna connection.
- Separate the antenna from speaker cables and the power cord.
- Move the unit away from your TV or PC.
- Passing cars and airplanes can cause interference.
- Concrete walls weaken radio signals.
- Listen to the station in mono.
- When listening to an AM station, operating the remote controller may cause noise (North American models).
- FM reception may become clearer if you use the antenna jack on the wall used for the TV.
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