TX-RZ50 - Connecting to TV



  • jhovan garcia
    jhovan garcia

    Why am I not getting the initial setup page  when I connect the TX-RZ50 to my TV ? I just get like a blank white  screen like there's no channel available in your TV

  • William Domfeh
    William Domfeh

    Same applies to me.  The initial setup does not show on the my TV.  The Receiver display Initial Setup - See TV but nothing shows on the TV. Onkyo support kindly assist. 

  • Michael Bishop
    Michael Bishop

    The Samething is happening to me also.I think this unit is just faulty in general I've been having issues since I purchased this is my second unit with the se issues.If you noticed when it says initializing the internet doesn't work either.I found a trick unplugged the unit from power let it set for maybe 20 mins then it will work again.I was having to factory reset before I figure this out.

  • William Domfeh
    William Domfeh

    I have factory reset several times but the issue is same. Onkyo support kindly assist.

  • Norberto Arellano
    Norberto Arellano

    Hello my name is Norberto I have the RZ50 every time the I turn on the receiver I don’t hear it sometimes and I need to unplug it to hear it again what should I do to not happen this , and is the same thing with the app , need help


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