TX-SR333 Owner's Manual



  • Coco Good
    Coco Good

    كيف استطيع التحديث لهذا المنتج

  • Jennifer Sosinski
    Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Coco Good,

    There is no current firmware for the TXSR333.

    Thank you,


  • Douglas Rocha
    Douglas Rocha

    My unit, when Bluetooth is selected, doesn't go beyond the now initializing screen, I've already done a factory reset and it didn't help. What would be the alternative?

  • Jennifer Sosinski
    Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Douglas, 

    If it is not coming out of the initialing screen then it could be an issue within in the unit. Here is our service center link https://onkyo.com/service-centers. If you need warranty validation you can email parts@11tradingcompany.com and they will be able to let you know if the unit was purchased by a authorized dealer and would be checking the date if there is warranty before you take the unit to the service center. If every checks out to be under warranty, make sure you bring that receipt so that the service can process the claim when the repairs are completed. 

    Thank you 




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