TX-SR393- Troubleshooting: Audio



  • Paul Poole
    Paul Poole

    Start a retro idea and offer silver-faced components. Old people like me would buy them over the black-faced components, we would be able to see them better. Also, cut out all the useless crap no one ever uses. I want to hook up two sets of speakers without a subwoofer and balance with a nob, not using the stupid remote which should NOT be black! Good grief how the hell do you find a black remote at night!!

  • Jennifer Sosinski
    Jennifer Sosinski

    Hello Paul,

    Thank you for your feedback on the TXSR393. I will provide this information to marketing for product suggestions. But may I suggest, that if you are only doing two sets of speakers and would like balance controls on the front panel, we have the TX8470 https://onkyo.com/hi-fi/tx-8470. Its a stereo A/B receiver that has the ability of HDMI connections( if you are using the receiver for video purposes). Also with the TX8470 remote control it has a white face plate. 

    Thank you 



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